Saturday, 14 March 2015

Mars or Bust....I don't think so!

Mars or Bust ? 

( I think i'd miss my freshly ground coffee too much)

So, there you are... hurtling through Space on your way to the Red Planet... your life's ambition is finally coming to fruition...but will it be everything you dreamed of?

You have left Earth, no longer do Earth Laws apply to your group, so you had better hope you all get along together, being couped up a Spaceship for six months while you slowly get radiation poisoning and your muscles atrophy.

When you finally arrive at Mars, assuming you are still alive, you now face the precarious journey down to the surface.
If you actually manage to land in one piece and are still capable of fuctioning after six months without gravity, you now have to set up home on this inhospitable rock, Earth is but a faint Blue dot in the distance, you're never going back there.
What's facing you is spending the rest of your life trying to eek out survival on a Planet not designed to sustain Human life.
With no advanced medical treatment available and limited resources to spend on those that cannot contribute to the group, If you get sick, and make no mistake.... you will! The future will not look bright.

By far the most surprising thing to me is that people are actually falling over themselves to make this trip!!
Even mothers are touting their daughters as future first woman on Mars! - I find this slightly disturbing.

Don't get me wrong.... I am a Space geek! I want to go to Space, If Richard Branson called me up and said "Hey Tony, want to come take a trip on Spaceship 1?" - I'd say yes in a heartbeat.
I don't mind taking a calculated risk, If you want to go to Space it's part & parcel, but, in agreeing to travel to Mars you are not only agreeing to die on that Planet (or on the way) but also most likely in a manor that you had not imagined and most likely not in a good way

Personally I would miss the fresh air too much...and the aroma of freshly ground coffee :)

You better have a Costa Coffee at Spaceport Richard !